International network (M)others, Parents & Other Careers in Art

For many years Renata Piotrowska-Auffret has been interested in the issue of reproduction and care policies in culture and art, with particular attention to parenthood and motherhood. She consistently follow current discourses, research and activities of specific institutions in Poland and abroad in this area. Thanks to her work, determination and consistency, in the years 2020-2022 she managed to scout the area for networking purposes, conduct talks with representatives of art institutions in Poland and Europe, and finally, in 2023, create and manage an international network of seven dance, theater and performing arts institutions, for which the topic of broadly understood motherhood and parenthood as well as care policies in the area of ​​culture and art is important: Lavanderia a Vapore from Italy, Lokomotiva from Macedonia, City of Women from Slovenia, Stanica – Center for Contemporary Dance from Serbia, La Garance Theater from France, BIRCA – residential center from Denmark, Ochota Cultural Center from Poland. Currently, Dansalteliers from the Netherlands and Queer Zagreb from Croatia are in talks to join the network.

Mother dance! International Research Forum „Parentality in choreography” / 13th-15th of September / Ochota Cultural Center, Warsaw

Everyday care and artistic works are invisible. Both activities are guided by also the false narrative of “acting out of love/acting out of passion.” And as often as possible, love for children are a certain driving force of action, we are unable to live from the love of making art.

In the capitalist system, there is both care work and artistic work devalorized and poorly profitable. This is felt even more strongly in the marginalized and the underfunded art field of dance and choreography. Additionally, because of systemic limitations and extremely diverse social expectations regarding the role of a dance artist and the role of mother/parent – it is very often difficult to reconcile artistic work with caring work. Professional dance and choreography work requires, above all: time and focus. It is a mental and physical effort. It’s the same with care work taking place at home. Both the work of dance artists and motherly/parental work is primarily about building, nurturing and developing relationships with yourself, with others, with surroundings. We experience thoses interdependencies through the body. By focusing on the body and relationships, we give space for affirmation and development of life and interpersonal – soft skills. Therefore, we don’t care only about what is personal, but we responsibly develop what is common – what exists between us in social dimension. Through this, we influence & shape the society of the future.

The private was, is and will be political. The politics of care is hope for the future.

The forum aims to increase the visibility of the situation of mothers and parent workers in the area of choreography. The event is of a research nature. Through conversations and presentations of existing research, laboratory meetings, workshops, work in the progress presentations we will share experiences, good practices and implemented solutions which are friendly to mothers and parents working in the field of choreography. We hope that both the Forum and the post-Forum report which will map the needs and define guidance for the artistic sector, will increase the chances and help this social group to reconcile a professional career with caring responsibilities.

Renata Piotrowska-Auffret,

curator of the Forum

Meet Up „Dancing & Parenting” / 31st of August 2024 / Tanzmesse 2024 / Dusseldorf, Germany

The aim of this meeting was to talk about parenting issues in the area of ​​dance and choreography: work conditions for parents-dance artists, limitations and possibilities, existing initiatives, good practices and changes  (on idividual and systemic level) which are parents friendly in the field of dance art.  
