Renata Piotrowska-Auffret invited to Parent Hood in Danshallerne

20th-21st of September – Parent Hood, Danshallerne, Denmark | performative presentation online

Event for the industry: When artistic career and parenting unite

A two-day event for professionals dedicated to how you as an artist unite being a parent and having a professional artistic career. Is it possible to give your children a steady and safe everyday life combined with the unstable situation artists often finds themselves in?

Perhaps you are experiencing a dilemma when the next residency requires you to be away from your children for four weeks in a row while you are in the studio to immerse yourself. The children’s everyday life continues at home, and you can not always take an active part in it. Issues such as these will be addressed with Parent Hood at Edison, September 20th and 21st 2020.

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The interview with Andrea Zangari for „PAC. Paneacquaculture”

Let us glance across the borders. In Poland, the contagions have been very few compared to Italy, but theaters are nevertheless closed and theaters workers are waiting for a clear and organic emergency support plan. The Polish contemporary stage is extremely lively, yet there is a political problem with deep roots, a distrust of the Catholic-conservative government towards the new artistic languages: a condition that in this situation extremes the marginality of the category. For this reason, we wanted to hear the voice of a female choreographer and performer engaged in research on the narratives of the female body between power and violence, in a country where the cultural weight of the Catholic Church has raised the common conscience through a capillary seek for national identity. Until the attempt, perpetrated in recent weeks, to make the abortion laws more restricted.

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Online master classes „Do It Yourself” with Renata Piotrowska-Auffret | Nowy Theatre

Zrób to sam | Renata Piotrowska-Auffret from Nowy Teatr on VOD.

Master classes with Renata Piotrowska-Auffret about the body – the choreographer will lead us through the haptic of our corporeality.

She will also lead the focused meditation which will help us to sharpen the sense of a touch.

What do you feel? Do you think about your body tenderly?